Temperature trends since 1900 in and around Ibiza Town

Using data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, we analysed 118 years of weather data in and around the city of Ibiza Town. The area analysed also includes the surroundings of Ibiza Town, which might include mountains or bodies of water, so that the temperatures shown here do not correspond exactly to the temperatures recorded by the weather stations of Ibiza Town (see Methodology for details). This is what we found:

  • The temperature in and around Ibiza Town between 2000 and 2018 was 0.7°C above the 20th century average.
  • The number of hot days (above 27°C over a 24-hour average) went from 2.6 days per year in the 20th century to 10.2 per year in the years since 2000.

Changes in weather patterns

Temperature changes

Since 1900, the average temperature in and around Ibiza Town increased from an average of 18°C between 1900 and 1999 to an average of 18.7°C between 2000 and 2018. The warmest years in and around Ibiza Town were 2014, 2016, 2003, 2017, and 1989.

Temperature in and around Ibiza Town from 1900 to 2018. (png|svg|eps)

Hot days

In the 20th century, the average number of hot days (days for which the 24-hour average temperature is above 27°C) per year was 2.6. Between 2000 and 2018, the average number of hot days were 10.2 per year.

A day is considered hot when its average temperature is over two standard deviations of the normal average.

Number of days when the average temperature was above 27°C in and around Ibiza Town, each year. (png|svg|eps)

What does it mean for Ibiza Town?

Health and heat waves

Higher temperatures lead to excess mortality. The heatwave of July and August 2003, for instance, killed over 52,000 people in Europe, according to the Earth Policy Institute (Larsen, 2006), a think-tank. The elderly and infants are most at risk.

Rising temperatures may also cause the number of deaths related to extremely cold weather to drop.

Rail buckling and tarmac softening

In high temperatures, asphalt exposed to the sun starts to soften. This causes delays and some roads have to be closed to traffic.

When temperatures rise above 30°C, rails exposed to the sun can move or buckle. This can cause trains to derail, as happened many times in Europe already, and forces them to run more slowly, causing major delays.

Tick and mosquito-borne diseases

Tick-borne encephalitis, and more recently ehrlichiosis have been spreading in the past decades, probably due to higher temperatures (Gray et al., 2009).

Dengue fever, carried by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, has been creeping North in the last decade, with epidemics in Portugal in 2012 and Japan in 2014 (Zeller et al., 2013). The Mediteranean basin is most at risk.


Researchers showed that when the daily average temperature increases above 22°C (Graff Zivin et al., 2018), cognitive abilities of school children decrease, especially in mathematics.

In Ibiza Town, the number of school days above 22°C went from 7.5 per school year in the 20th century to 18.9 since 2000. It might not seem much but if exams took place on these days, pupils of Ibiza Town were at a disadvantage.

Ibiza Town and its environs in context

Ibiza Town and nearby cities

Here are the five locations closest to Ibiza Town, among the 558 we analyzed:

LocationDistanceTemperature change
Ibiza Town+0.7
Palma124 km+0.7
Gandia137 km+0.7
Benidorm142 km+0.7
Valencia163 km+0.7
Alcoy166 km+0.7

Cities of Spain

Ibiza Town is one of 62 locations in Spain we have analyzed. This is how temperature has changed in the rest of them.

LocationTemperature change
Ciudad Real+1.4
Alcalá de Henares+1.3
Talavera de la Reina+1.0
Castelló de la Plana+1.0
San Sebastián+0.8
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria+0.7
Jerez de la Frontera+0.7
Santa Cruz de Tenerife+0.7
Ibiza Town+0.7
Santiago de Compostela+0.4
A Coruña+0.4
Cities of Spain
Cities of Spain(png|svg|webp)


We analyzed two data sets from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), ERA-20C for the period 1900–1979 and ERA-interim for the period 1979–2018.

Both data sets are re-analysis, which means that ECMWF scientists used observations from a variety of sources (satellite, weather stations, buoys, weather balloons) to estimate a series of variables for squares of about 80 kilometers in side width (125 kilometers for ERA-20C). While weather stations offer a much better record for immediate daily observations, using the ECMWF re-analyses is much more adequate for the study of long-term trends. Weather stations might move, or the city might expand around them, making their data unreliable when looking at centennial trends. However, the ECMWF data does not take into account micro-climates or “heat island” effects, so that the actual weather in the streets of Ibiza Town was probably one or two degrees warmer than the values reported here (the trend, however, is the same).

Since the start of this project, ECMWF has adjusted the way historical temperatures are calculated, to give better estimates for e.g. coastal cities. Because of this, some figures published here in 2019 may differ slightly from corresponding figures published in 2018.

This report was produced by the European Data Journalism Network. Partners include OBC Transeuropa (Italy), J++ (Sweden), Spiegel Online (Germany), Vox Europe (France), Pod Crto (Slovenia), Mobile Reporter (Belgium), Rue89 (France), Alternatives Economiques (France), and El Confidencial (Spain).


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